Biddulph will receive £800,000 to repair roads as part of the governments £30 million Capital Improvement programme.

In the Spring Budget the Chancellor committed to £4,456,400 to fix potholes in Staffordshire and Biddulph will be getting £800,000 of this.
Councillor Nigel Yates said; “I can report that following an extensive period of fault logging and personal lobbying, including a question to full council at Stafford requesting that the ‘138’ potholes and damage to the surface of Meadows Way and the roundabouts at either end are repaired and resurfaced, that an £800,000 surface repair and treatment, including the reconstruction of these roundabouts was approved by Staffordshire County Cabinet on Wednesday 15th March.
This is part of a £30 million countywide Capital Improvement Program, and I am delighted that Biddulph has been included.
There is still much more to do with regards our road network, and I’m also pleased to report that a number of Town Centre roads – including Wharf Road and South View and the Mill Quarter will also be treated in the next financial year.”