The 1st Alsager Scout Group are a thriving, popular and expanding Group who currently have over 180 boys and girls in their Beaver, Cub, Scout & Explorer sections ranging from 6 years through to 18 years.
Due to its huge popularity and ever increasing numbers in all of their sections the Group Executive Committee are appealing for adults to come forward and join them to help at their meeting nights. They currently need Assistant Leaders to help in all of the sections. Are you over 18 years of age and interested in volunteering your time on either a regular or occasional basis?
They appreciate that not everyone can commit on a regular basis and even if you can help on an occasional basis they would be pleased to hear from you. Within today’s busy lifestyle the Group are flexible to fit with whatever commitment you can offer. Would you and a friend or partner be willing to share a role or perhaps you know of someone who may be interested in helping. Are you good at keeping records, maybe you like organising games, activities & craft nights, whatever skills you can offer they would be pleased to hear from you. No previous experience is needed as full training will be given and there is always lots of help and support available from existing leaders. They are a very active group and take part & organise many exciting events and activities throughout the year including Activity Weekends, a Family Firework Night, Swimming Gala, Hikes, Survival Camps, Archery Competitions and a Family Camp to name just a few. Scouting offers you the chance to experience something different, the opportunity to challenge yourself and the chance to make new friends. Today is your opportunity to make a difference to the young lives of many. They would be very pleased to hear from anyone who may be interested in joining their team and if you would like a chat about the role and what it involves, without any obligation, they can be contacted on 01270 884461 or via their website Why not see what you can do for Scouting and see what Scouting can do for you? You could make a difference.
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