Putting sporting facilities first in Biddulph

Biddulph Valley lighting schemeHalls Road handover






Two schemes to improve sporting facilities in Biddulph have recently been completed.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has invested £25,000 in new lighting for the sports hall at Biddulph Valley Leisure Centre and almost £208,000 on a project to create a new multi-use games area, tennis courts and car parking at Halls Road.

Improving sporting amenities is a priority for the Council – a commitment which has already seen work begin on a synthetic bowling green and a new pavilion at St Lawrence Recreation Ground and improved drainage at the Mill Hayes sports ground pitches. Further work to provide outdoor gym equipment and a new playground at Halls Road is planned.


Councillor Brian Johnson, cabinet member for leisure and sport at the Council, said: “The investment we’re making in sporting facilities in Biddulph is delivering first class amenities for local people and I hope they will enjoy and make full use of them. “The Council and its partners have taken a long-term view of the provision of sporting facilities in the town and the range of activities local people take part in. The combination of the various schemes caters for a wide variety of both indoor and outdoor activities. “Investment such as this isn’t just about improving sporting venues it’s also about helping people become more active and the health and well-being benefits associated with that which help to save money for other public services in the longer term. So it really is a win-win situation.” The combined schemes have paved the way for a re-organisation of sports provision in Biddulph with all senior football now located at Mill Hayes and junior football and other sports at the other sites.

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