Cheshire East Conservative Group has announced that the new Group Leader will be Councillor Rachel Bailey, ward member for Audlem. The decision was taken at the Group’s meeting on January 14th 2016. Councillor Bailey beat the only other leadership candidate, Councillor Janet Clowes ward member for Wybunbury. The new Group Leader has been a Cheshire East councillor since May 2008 and is currently Cabinet Member responsible for Children and Families. However, although Cllr Bailey is the leader of Conservatives – which is the largest party on Cheshire East – she is not yet the leader of the council. That post is still held by Cllr Michael Jones, who will continue as leader until the next full council meeting, which is due to be held on February 25. Cheshire East Council must ratify the decision of the Conservative Group and this is expected to be done at Full Council on February 25 2016.
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