Everyone is invited to come and join in to the Mow Cop Scarecrow Festival where there are over 70 Scarecrows on display to find.
The theme for the competition is celebrating NHS Heroes/ VE Day / VJ Day and there are some great imaginative scarecrows on display.
Scarecrow trail maps showing the location of all the scarecrows are available from Castle Stores for £1 per copy.
The Mow Cop Scarecrow Festival will be judged on the 15th August by the Lady Mayoress Angela Cooper and two other local business owners.
Prize money is £50 for first place £30 for second and £20 for third, there are also rosettes for the children who have drawn pictures of scarecrows. All monies raised will go to local charities or good causes and £200 of the proceeds will also be donated to the Mow Cop Community Hall fund to be put towards repairing the hall floor.
Another scarecrow competition is being planned for Halloween this year and hopefully next year’s festival will be combined with a fun day where the Mow Cop Community Hall can be used for refreshments etc
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