Make bananas fair!

fairtrade bananasFairtrade Biddulph, Community Fairtrade Fortnight Event, 

Biddulph Town Hall, Saturday 8th March 10.00am – 12.00 noon.

This annual festival is gradually becoming one of those community events that are deeply ingrained in the life of the town. It is supported by the Town, District and County Councils, as well as by our current Member of Parliament, Karen Bradley.

We plan to have refreshments; a visiting speaker from the Fairtrade Foundation; various stalls selling Fairtrade toys, gifts, clothing and food; children’s activities and dancing.

A shield has been kindly donated by Biddulph Town Council, to be awarded annually to the Biddulph Fairtrade School of the Year.

All the first, middle and primary schools have been invited to take part in a poster competition. This is not an individual competition, but one project entered from each participating school. We are excited to see what they can come up with! We will also hope to use some of the posters in our local advertising for Fairtrade Fortnight in 2015.

The winning school will be awarded the shield at the event, and will hold it for one year. Sainsbury’s have offered to display all the posters during the week before the event.

Please put the date in your diary and come along to enjoy the refreshments and activities.


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