The Town Council voted as part of its budget setting process to invest in a ‘Kidsgrove Ranger’ who is expected to start in April.
So what will the Ranger do we hear you ask? The Ranger service is modelled on the successful pilot in Crewe which has led to an enhanced level of service with jobs that wouldn’t be done getting done and jobs that might have taken days being done in hours. Why not look at the tweets via @Crewe_Ranger to get a flavour for what is possible and to see how valued the Ranger has become by the community.
The service is yours and will be reactive, therefore the Ranger will be talking to the community over twitter and showing as many before and after pictures as possible. The initial focus will be on improving the gateways into Kidsgrove by giving them an extra clean. For the avoidance of any doubt ‘extra’ means extra and it doesn’t replace services delivered by our friends at the County and the Borough. When live we hope the public will come forward with things the Ranger can do in their area. That might be to spruce up an area or remove fly-tipping or help with some community planting you may wish to do.
The Council calls on the public to support the Ranger by keeping the Town clean, there is a limit to what one person can do, so please help the Ranger. The Parish of Kidsgrove is huge but the effort will be spread throughout the parish. When live please let us know what spots need attention and the requests will be triaged and if part of what others should deliver be relayed to those parties or in many cases the Ranger will ‘crack on’.
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