Health & well being event in Biddulph

We_Are_MacMillanCancer patients and carers offered lesson in how to live well Cancer patients, along with family members and carers, are being encouraged to go to a free health and well being event in Biddulph.

The Living Well with Cancer taster session is being organised by the partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support and Penny Brohn Cancer Care, and is being held at the Victoria Centre in Station Road, Biddulph, on Thursday, November 5th. During the afternoon, people attending the session will hear talks so that they can learn how to support themselves during and after treatment, find out the benefits of stress management, healthy eating and physical activity, discover the support services available in the area and meet other people affected by cancer.

Christine Bettson, the Macmillan Penny Brohn Living Well Services Co-ordinator, said: “Millions of people are living with cancer and the number is rising every year. Living well with cancer is a challenge for people, but there are many things you can do to help yourself to live well and take back control of your health and wellbeing. “Cancer does not just affect people physically, but life can change in many other ways, such as with relationships, finances, emotions, body image, confidence, exercising, getting back to work and looking into the future. “The afternoon taster session aims to help give patients, their family and carers, some tips on how to cope with the challenges, as well as signpost to services that can also help them.” The session is free of charge, on from 12.30pm to 4pm, and includes a light lunch. Anyone wishing to attend should book a space by contacting the Macmillan Cancer Support and Information Centre at Royal Stoke University Hospital, either by phone: (01782) 676333, by email: or by calling into the centre, which is located near the main hospital entrance.

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