Residents across the Staffordshire Moorlands are being urged to take part in a consultation about potential sites for housing, employment and other development in the area over the next 15 years.
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has published a long list of possible development sites and is now urging the public to have their say before deciding which sites are the preferred options. The consultation started on Monday 6 July and will run for ten weeks until Monday 14 September to ensure that everyone who wants to get involved has ample opportunity to so. All households and businesses in the Moorlands will receive information about the site options and how to make their views known and the consultation will include drop-in sessions in Biddulph, Blythe Bridge, Cheadle, Kingsley, Leek and Werrington where you can speak to Council officers.
Information will also be available on the Council’s website, at one-stop shops and in libraries. Councillor Edwin Wain, cabinet member for planning, development and property at the Council, said: “This consultation is critical to helping to determine which of the potential sites are the preferred ones so it is vital that anyone with a view shares their opinions with us. It is important to stress that this is a long list and that not all of these sites will be required to meet future development needs. The comments we receive during the consultation will help clarify our thinking and provide context from the people that live and work in the local area.” You can share your comments when the consultation goes live by: Completing the online form at: Downloading an electronic copy of the form and emailing it to Picking up paper copies of the response form at the drop-in events / one stop shops / libraries within the district and returning it via the freepost address.
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