Have your say – consultation on Selective Licensing on Galleys Bank – the ‘Miners Estate’

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The Council keeps housing conditions in the borough under review and has highlighted the Miners Estate, also known as Galleys Bank in Kidsgrove as an area suffering from low housing demand. The key reasons for this are:

The value of houses in comparison to others in the borough.
The turnover of occupiers, especially in the rented homes.
A very high proportion of rented homes.
The impact of the rented sector on the local community, for example, poor property condition, anti-social behaviour and high levels of deprivation.
A lack of local facilities.

The Council believes it is right to try and tackle these issues and have been reviewing the options. This has led to selective licensing of the rented properties being proposed.

This means all landlords would have to obtain a licence in order to rent out property in the area. They would have to meet certain conditions to obtain a licence and manage their properties in accordance with licence conditions. There is a fee for a licence and there are penalties for anyone who does not obtain a licence or abide by the conditions. The streets included in the proposal are listed below.




Have your say – Your views on this proposal are vitally important and we hope to hear from as many residents, landlords, businesses and organisations as possible.

A proposal document has been developed which outlines information on selective licensing, the history of the estate, evidence supporting the proposal, past interventions, options appraisal and a risk assessment. This can be accessed using the link below.


As well as views on the proposal we are also seeking views on the licence conditions and fees should licensing go ahead. Information on the conditions, the fee and how it has been determined and frequently asked questions are also available on the website.

There is an on line response form for you to submit your response to the consultation.

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