Alsager in Bloom has received a gold award in the Royal Horticultural Society’s Britain in Bloom North West contest in the large town category.

Chair of Alsager in Bloom, Cllr June Buckley, said she was delighted the group had won the coveted award. She said, “It reflects just the amazing work done by this community group and others in the town.”
She continued, “The judges were impressed with all the work being done in Alsager and the fact we’re moving away from just gardening.”
“This year at Alsager In Bloom we very much followed the guidance of the North West In Bloom team.
“We focused on environment and sustainability. Therefore areas of scrubland can be just as important as a manicured garden the importance of water in gardens is vital, even if it’s only a small bowl filled with pebbles and topped up with water in a heatwave is invaluable for helping to keep bees and other insects alive, although they’re not terribly glamorous, they are vitally important.
“We wish to continue this work along with our fabulous hanging baskets in the town, and the town council are now supervising this. Plus the work of other groups with a sustainability group. Friends of Milton Park, Rotary Club, and also the Gardens Association plus many of others have helped us to achieve what we have .
“Finally, for the first time, since the pandemic struck in 2020, I would like to re-engage with all our schools, primary schools and high school, to encourage them into joining us doing this fabulous work.”
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