Moorlanders without Covid symptoms can now book testing slots at Biddulph Leisure Centre.
With the third national lockdown now underway leisure centres must remain closed so Staffs Moorlands DC and Staffs CC have worked together to make use of this important community facility for Covid testing in the meantime.
The lateral flow tests being offered are for people who are not displaying symptoms. Residents are advised to book a test as a precaution if they have symptoms such as headaches; aches and pains; feeling very tired for no good reason; sore throat; runny nose; sneezing; and sometimes tummy ache in children.
Testing will take place in the Sports Hall between 10am and 4pm every day and people can book online at
Anyone with Covid symptoms – a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss of or change to your sense of taste or smell – should not attend Biddulph Leisure Centre. You must book a test by ringing 119 or online through the NHS website
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