Changes to the town centre, highways work and more support for young people are just some of the things included in Biddulph’s latest proposed Action Plan.

The Action Plans are prepared annually by Biddulph Town Council to ensure that the authority’s decision-making process is transparent, and its finances are effectively managed.
This year’s proposed Action Plan is currently available for public download on the council’s website.
These are some of the Action Plan’s main points, and how the council is hoping to work towards the town’s improvement in the coming year.
Expanding tourism activities – a range of tourism improvements are being considered, such as:
• Improving signage in and around the town
• Printing and distributing Biddulph maps
• Adding support for walking and ramblers’ initiatives
Providing services for young people – support for young people is due to be increased, including:
• Supporting the ‘Staged’ theatre project
• Considering enhancing play opportunities and youth facilities
• Working with Biddulph Youth and Community Zone
• Facilitating a Young People’s Working Group
The environment and climate change – action will also be taken to tackle climate change locally, like:
• Considering a public meeting in late 2020 or early 2021 to discuss a local response to climate issues
• Enhancing Biddulph’s reputation as “The Garden Town of Staffordshire”
• Improving local flood risk areas
Town centre and highways – a wide array of town centre and highways works are proposed, such as:
• Refurbishing bollards and noticeboards
• Lobbying for changes to car parking at Wharf Road to encourage footfall within the town centre
• Working with Staffordshire County Council to improve parking on North High Street, and to consider bollards in the alley off John Street
• Considering the speed and use of roads in the town centre
• Installing new or refurbished signage at the entrance to the town
It had been hoped that from 2020-21 onwards, Biddulph’s Neighbourhood Plan would have been completed, and that the Neighbourhood Plan would then be used to guide the direction of the town council until 2035. However, due to Covid-19 any referendums on the Neighbourhood Plan have now been delayed until at least May 2021. To read it in full, visit the council’s website.
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