Saturday 15th June 2019 2pm
This will be the 8th Well Dressing to be held in the village celebrating Trent Head Well.
The traditional tableau is being prepared at Christ Church Hall, Church Lane, and you are invited to come and see the well in the making from Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th June between 11am and 4pm.
On Saturday 15th June festivities will begin with music and Morris dancing on the village green and the dedication of the traditional well tableau will take place at 2pm.
Maypole dancers from Moor First School will continue the entertainment on the Green before the procession to the Village Hall, where there will be further performances by Poynton Jemmers Morris Dancers, dancers from the Dance Exchange and other entertainers. There will also be a Model Aircraft display, archery, an armoured vehicle and vintage tractors to provide lots of family entertainment; along with craft stalls, games, barbeque, cream teas and refreshments.
Entry to the event is free.
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