AstraZeneca gives Christmas presents to families in need

Staff from AstraZeneca’s Alderley Park site will again be bringing gifts to their Christmas party to be distributed to children and young people who could benefit from a donation of toys and gifts this Christmas.present_2074153b If you work with children and families in Cheshire East would you like to help give them some extra toys this Christmas? This is the 3rd year that CVS Cheshire East have taken part in this project and they have been overwhelmed by the generosity of those working at AstraZeneca – the amount and quality of toys donated has been fantastic! Around 1,600 gifts are expected this year and CVS would love to share them with your charity or organisation. The gifts donated by staff from AstraZeneca’s Alderley Park site at their Christmas party will be transported to Storage Boost in Crewe, the gifts will be sorted and distributed to groups, charities and organisations working in Cheshire East with families, children and young people who could benefit from a donation of toys and gifts this Christmas. If you wish to apply, please contact as soon as possible for an application form. Applications will be taken on a first come first served basis and must be used for families, children and young people in need within Cheshire East. You will be able to specify your choice of age and whether you prefer gifts for girls or boys, teens or babies on the form (we will try our best to accommodate your request but we cannot guarantee giving exactly what you have asked for). If successful, you will then receive an email detailing a timeslot and address for collection. Please note that someone must be available to collect your allocated donations from Storage Boost in Crewe between 12.00pm and 2.30pm on Thursday, 18th December.

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