Alsager Police community news

Hello! , the school summer holidays are nearly upon us!

Let’s see if this lovely weather lasts!

Typically, the end of school term can result in a rise in crimes such as noise complaints, disorder and other forms of antisocial behaviour from the community. Merely a day goes by these days without us reading about some instance of anti-social behaviour caused by groups of teenagers congregating in a particular area BUT it’s important that we don’t tar all teenagers with the same brush.

drunk-youthsThe vast majority of Alsager’s young people are a credit to themselves, and only a small minority of individuals may be responsible for any youth-related problems we see over the summer. Many teenagers who might congregate near your home or shops often do so because there’s simply no other suitable place to go and hang out. And, in the vast majority of instances, they’re not going to cause trouble.

Because of the many different circumstances that might surround a particular issue our advice to you is that you should not try to tackle the problem of teenage Anti-Social Behaviour yourself. Even if a group or individual is verbally abusive towards you, simply avoid acknowledging the behaviour and contact the Police, Obviously, if they inflict any kind of physical assault on you, you should call the police immediately. The important thing is not to try to tackle the problem yourself.

We will endeavour to remain as a visible patrol over the summer period and help to deter any ASB that is reported. We hope your summer is a peaceful one….


Oli BranfieldAlsager’s new dedicated Police Community Suport Officer is Oli Branfield, PCSO 22689.

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