Alsager Collection for the Philippines

rotary collectionThe people of Alsager responded with outstanding generosity to a collection held on 22nd and 23rd November. Rotary Club of Alsager, Alsager Lions, Round Table and the Alsager Scout and Guide groups collected together, as they did in 2002 following the Indian Ocean Tsunami.

The two days were organized by Don Longhurst, Chair of our Rotary International Committee he is also the Alsager Group Scout Leader.  “I think everyone has been shocked by the devastation cause in the Philippines” he said.  “Parts of the country look as if they’ve been run over by a giant steam roller.  I’m sure we’re all full of admiration for the people there as they get themselves back on their feet but they need help in the short term.  A collection seemed the least we could do and the people of Alsager have responded superbly.  Can I thank them on behalf of all the local service organizations and the people of the Philippines.”

£1,723 was raised in the collection and will be spent on 3 shelterboxes.  Each one contains a family sized tent, a water purification kit, a stove, hand tools, blankets, etc. – enough to help a family get back on its feet.

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