A great ‘Deal’ for Kidsgrove

The Town Deal for Kidsgrove is an exciting and unprecedented opportunity to bid for significant investment of up to £25 million to facilitate future economic growth. 

To be in with a chance to access the funding, a Town Investment Plan (TIP) must be submitted by the end of October 2020.  

The Town Deal Board are working hard to put together a TIP that will bring real and lasting economic benefits to Kidsgrove and the surrounding area. 

Kidsgrove Town Deal Board 

One condition of the Town Deal was that Kidsgrove set up a Town Deal Board to develop and agree a well-evidenced Town Investment Plan, which sets out a clear understanding of the area, focusing on its assets, opportunities and challenges. 

The Kidsgrove Town Deal Board brings together representatives from the public, private, voluntary, education and community sectors, all with the common aim of securing as much funding as possible to bring transformational economic benefits to the area. 

The Projects

Following consultation with board members and a ‘Call for Projects’ from the public and other local stakeholders, over 25 project ideas were submitted. 

Three main project themes stand out for Kidsgrove and separate sub-groups have been organised for each theme to work up project ideas in more detail.

Kidsgrove Town Centre

Following several working group meetings, a Kidsgrove town centre ‘masterplan’ is under development, including the railway station and improvements to the canal access.

Health & Wellbeing

The full working group has met twice and, in addition to the sports centre, other activities that promote an active lifestyle are being considered, along with a ‘health hub’ in the town centre.

Enterprise, Employment and Skills

Several working group meetings have taken place. Enterprise discussions focused on Chatterley Valley, smaller/starter units and an enterprise centre. Employment and Skills considered a town centre based employability service, a digital skills fund, enterprise and work experience scheme for schools and town centre live / work space. 

Accelerated Funding

Every town selected to work towards a Town Deal will be able to access additional funding depending on their population size – for Kidsgrove this is £750,000. 

The early investment is intended to kick-start activity in towns and high streets across the country, ensuring local people can see and feel the benefit as soon as possible. Funded projects must be completed by 31 March 2021. The proposed projects were presented to the Town Deal Board on 30 July and approved. Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council submitted details of the proposals to MHCLG on 11 August and is waiting to hear if they have all been accepted. It is hoped that funding will be received by the end of September and work can begin from October 2020. Capital investment in health and well-being interventions has been prioritised to address local priorities. The grant funding will be used to deliver projects in two distinct packages:

Kidsgrove Sports Village

The Kidsgrove Sports Village concept aims to provide high quality leisure facilities and health and wellbeing services across Kidsgrove. The Town Fund Advance Payment will be used to fund the strip out and early works at the leisure centre to accelerate the redevelopment of the derelict but important public asset. Funding will also be used to improve the King’s School Astroturf pitch which has been condemned, and the school’s grass pitches which suffer from poor drainage. The Town Fund Advance Payment will address the funding gap guaranteeing the delivery of leisure facilities for both the school and the community of Kidsgrove.

Leisure facilities in Kidsgrove’s public parks

The health and well-being theme of the Kidsgrove Town Deal includes improvements to leisure and community facilities in public parks to encourage active lifestyles and community cohesion. Kidsgrove’s elected members, with support from the local community, have identified two areas on which to concentrate; Recreational facilities in Newchapel Recreation Ground and health and well-being focused improvements for all in Clough Hall Park.

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