The Kidsgrove Town Team have received a welcome cash boost of £10k from Newcastle Borough Council to help improve the town centre’s future prospects.
The ‘Kidsgrove Town Team’ has been set up to work towards ensuring that Kidsgrove can meet the challenges that threaten the viability of town centre’s everywhere. The Town Team consists of local businesses, Kidsgrove Town Council and Newcastle Borough Council who are working together to attract shoppers, tourists and investment into the town.
They are already working on infrastructure projects around the canal and station to make the area more attractive to tourists, developing a website to improve the marketing of Kidsgrove and are busy organizing events – the next of which is the ‘Indie Christmas Shopping Challenge’.
The cash is a welcome boost for the town and will help future projects move forward. Kidsgrove Town Mayor, Kyle Robinson, said: “For the first time in a long time it feels as if we’re actually moving forward. The decision to approve the funding was made at the council’s cabinet meeting on Wednesday. A report submitted to the cabinet recommended that the council seeks to work in partnership with the local businesses to develop the Kidsgrove Town Centre Partnership.”
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