Acorn Awards 2018

acorn awards 2018Do you know a Young Person to be Proud of?

A young person who has achieved in the academic,

sporting, artistic or in a caring capacity?

A young person who has performed an act of unusual

perseverance, courage or service to others?


The criteria required for this award is as follows: the young person proposed must

a)reside in the Biddulph area

b)be under 21 years of age and,

c) be deserving of this award.

In addition, nominations are invited for a group award for a project or activity meeting the same Acorn Award criteria as per the above.

The Award takes the form of a certificate, an annual trophy, and a cash prize, £150 for a winner and £75 for two runners up. The prize for the group award will be a cheque for £200.

Written nominations should be sent to:

The Rotary Club of Biddulph Acorn Award,  c/o Mrs Sarah Haydon,

Chief Officer, Biddulph Town Council, Town Hall, High Street, Biddulph, Staffordshire Moorlands, ST8 6AR.

Closing Date Monday 7th May 2018 Awards Ceremony Monday 21st May 2018

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