£44,200 National Lottery windfall to celebrate Clough Hall Park’s heritage

Clough Hall low resDid you know that Clough Hall Park was once the Paradise of the Potteries? With a dancing platform, zip line, railway and performances from famous French tightrope walker Blondin, it rivalled Trentham gardens in its day.

Now, thanks to National Lottery players, Kidsgrove is getting set for a series of community events to recreate Clough Hall Park’s iconic past, including acrobatic performances, storytellers, music and comedians.

Young people from high schools and community groups will be working with local organisation Sporting Community CiC and Kidsgrove Local History group to uncover Clough Hall’s story. For details about how to get involved and event dates see www.sportingcommunitiescic.org or find Sporting Communities on Facebook or Twitter: @sportcomcic1

Grants from £3,000 are still available from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for all types of projects to explore and celebrate Kidsgrove’s heritage. If you have an idea for a new heritage project and would like to meet up to chat about available funding, please contact local HLF development officer Elise Turner m: 07970663830 e: elise.turner@hlf.org.uk twitter:@HLFWestMids.

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